° THE JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL BALTIMORE 5. MARYLAND RICHARD W. TELINDE.M. O. WALOCK. M.D. RUSSELL H. MORGAN. M D. PN-IN-CHIER RADIOCLOGIST-IN-CHIEF GYNECOLOGIST-IN-CHIEF DN J. EASTMAN, M.D. ARNOLD R. RICH. M.D. JOHN GC. WHITEHORN. M. D. fRICIAN-IN-GHIEF . PATHOLOGIST-IN-CHIEF PSYCHIATRIST-IN-CHIEF EE HARVEY, M. D. FRANCIS F. SCHWENTKER. M.D. ALAN GC. WOODS. M.D. PEDIATRIGIAN-IN-CHIEF OPHTHALMOLOGIST-IN-CHIEF HAN-IN-CHIEF RUSSELL A. NELSON, M. D.. DIRECTOR 27 dune 195) ear Joshua, In three days my duties at Hopkins will come to an end, and I shall plunge linto the lab at Yale. It will be possible to take time to think and enjoy | : : : : ‘some of these biolosical problems inthe laboratory once azaine It do not know how matters stand out there now as far as that “copper” organism ‘is concerned. However, until the work is better organized on a gvenetic basis ‘I could as you svgzest oursue the DNA of some of tne yeastse Tf and when yéux Ihave the time and are still interested. why don't you send a few grams of yeasf of the type you are working on so that I might begin to work out satisfactory analysis of the DNA. Of course I am vitally interested in working on the DNA of the copper bug as soon as is feasible. And I wonder if it ionld not be worthwhile whether it is mutant or a transformation or what it is. J shail he very interasted ‘to hear how things are zoing.s As Tom Sourtenay said when i last sav him, it is not surpirsine to us that troubles have come your way because of cur own experiences, “shen + first noted the phenomenon everything clicked in every experiment - including the 15 tube ones. Sw We put the work aside for a while to work on the new virus nucleotide and we returned to it the next spring Aw? although we could reproduce everythin eventually, many things we re very stubborne ‘Thether the oreanisns changed somewhat or whtertpthe new media (ther? was very rapid turnover of materials in the lab) or what was never clear, Little things like small changes in the NaCl content of the media threw us off < tes My address in New “aven will be: Dr. “awrence L. Weed Department of Pharmacology __ School of edicine Yale University Cedar Street New Haven, Conne I shall be busy initiating some work on tumors, but it will be interesting to carry some side projects as the opportunities arise - especially any that : touch on genetics. My best to you and thanks for your stimulating letters during the year. I am sorry [was not able lo answer them more carefully at the times Sincerely yours, 7 Lawrence Le “eede