808 NortTH BROADWAY ° BALTIMORE 5 ° MARYLAND 6 April 1954 Dear Dr, Lederberg, Just a hrried note late at night amidst much unfinished ' ward worke Enclosed is a letter from a gentleman from the Univ of Oklahoma concerning the copper pug. I am referring it to ™you for a number of reasons. Fisst if you are pusuing these matte:s here is 1i1.tle point in nis doing 60 = If you are not you might let him know ith what tips you have gathered in this business lately. Also I would love to hear myself where matters stand as far as this is concerned with youe I will be leaving for Yale in a couple montns and still nave that stubborn nunch about pursuing the DNA in these two organisms. Hope to see you before too long Sincerely yours, LO Larry Weed.