THE UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT STORRS, CONNECTICUT OFFICE OF THE PROVOST November 15, 1952. Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: I am looking for a geneticist to fill a vacancy on our teaching staff. We want to find someone who is available by the beginning of the fall semester in 1953 (although we would very gladly make an appointment as of February 1, 1953 if by some lucky chance the right person was available at that time). The University of Connecticut has for many years been outstanding in the field of genetics, having included at one time or another on its staff such men as Albert F, Blakeslee, Edmund W. Sinnott, Leslie G, Dunn, Walter Landauer, etc, We are anxious to secure an able teacher who has also established a reputation for research and scholarly publication, The exact rank and salary which we offer will depend on the candidate's training and experience, but we intend, when the time comes, to make an offer which will interest an outstanding scientist. Your name has been suggested to me as one whom we should consider, If you think you might be interested I wish you would send me a short outline of your training and experience, a bibliography of your publications, and the names of three or four people who are acquainted with your professional work to whom I might write as reference. Very truly yours, QWAE. thn Albert E, Waugh w/t Provost