INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY December 12, 19:7 Doctor J. Lederberg Depertment of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Lederberg: I have not answered your letter earlier because I hoped I could soon take up the ma*ter you mentioned. It is clear, how- ever, that I will simply not have time to study the mutational pattern of your bacterial strain for quite a times On the other hand, I would hasitate very mich to decide what are simple and what are complex mtants without a thorough study of the mutational pattern, particularly without a study of the presence in the complex mutants of exactly the same correlated characters as in the simple mutantse This would require lots of work and careful analysis. Maybe after January I may be able to get around to doing something along these lines. I would suggest that if you isolate large numbers of mutant resistents tc different phages and compare their range of sensitiveness, vou may hit rather easily on some complex mutants « I am looking forward to sseinr you in Chicago. Best regards, rr a S. B. Luria SEL:pr