BROADWAY 2-1506 BURTON A. WAISBREN, M. D. SUITE 331 BANKERS BUILDING 208 EAST WISCONSIN AVENUE MILWAUKEE 2, WISCONSIN PRACTICE LIMITED TO INTERNAL MEDICINE August 13, 1953 Dr. Joshua Lederoerg bepartment of Genetics College af Agriculture The University of Wisconsin wadison, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederber::: AS you May rememoer I talked to you apout a year ago in regard to our work in bacterial senetics. «a lot nas happened since that time and I wonder if there might ve a time when I could see you again. It would ve mast convenient for me on a Saturday morning. I am taking the liberty @ enclosing the specific paper and data that I would like to discuss with you and hope that I may see you soon. Sincerely, whiny, Wenlur {s Wen Burton a. Waisbren, wm.D. BAWIds enclosure