BROADWAY 2-1506 BURTON A. WAISBREN, M. D. SUITE 33t BANKERS BUILDING 208 EAST WISCONSIN AVENUE MILWAUKEE 2, WISCONSIN PRACTICE LIMITED TO INTERNAL MEDICINE Feo. 1a, 1952 rrof. J. Lederberg Genetics svuilding University of wisconsin Madison, wisconsin bear br. Lederberg: I am interested in doing single cell isolation studies with oacteria anc wes told oy the Aloe Co. that you have a de f#onprune siicromanipulautor with whicn I assume you are workinz with single cell cultures. wefore I sought tne instrument 1 wanted vO ask if you have found it satistuctory for isolation of single »sacteria and if yu mignt be Wiiiing to show me your techniugue. DSincsrely yours, Purim Werprnr SUrtOn a. Weisuren, aD. fiistructor, berertient of Internal saliedicine warcuette kedical Senool 203 Lk. Wisconsin ave. iliweuxee, wisconsin BAW? Jein