A, i A ks ~~ A. 2 Bodh rae PO 0, tay | vy “ A aw oe ca C lLon vols yisne ‘A La « 04 , . . & Les | eats: A, AY October 8, 191. Dear Nick: I'm quite glad to go along with your plan to give a narrafive account of the histopy of E. coli recombination, although whether it will keep your audience qwake is still an experimental question. At the outset, I want to urge, very strongly, that you also consult Professor Tatum, mentioning if you wish, that I thought it worthwhile to bother him about it. Although his papers don't mention it, Tatum's purpose in going after nutritional matants in E. coli was partly to test the possibility of recom- bination. In 1945-46 I spent some time in Ryan's lab (while 1 was a medical sgudent at Coluabia) working on reverse-mutation and heterokaryotic competi- tions in Neurospora. The selection of prototroph reversions in Neurospora suggested the possibility of similar selection for recombinants in bacterla. Professor Tatum had a very similar notion, After he came to Yale, I wrote to him asking for some di-auxctroph mitants. Both of us had gotten protobeophs from monoauxotroph combinations, but could not, of course, be sure that they were not merely reversions, His ultimate response to ay letter, facili- tated by Ryan'a personal contact with him, was 4n invitation to work on this problem at Yale (where Tatum was just organizing his lab.) whenever I could get leave from medical school. An elective quarter, followed by a summer vacation perlodg materialized starting in March 1946, partly as a result of the abandonment of the Navy V-12 program, and the shift back to non- accejerated echedules, after tims V-J day. I want to Yale with the help of a fellowship from the Jane Coffin Ghilds Memorial Fund for Medical Research, a cancer-research foundation administered at Yale, and as things turned out took my Ph.D. at Yale, and my appointment here, rather than ever return to medical school. It would be difficult to say how or when the first prototroph occurred: probably both Tatu and I had seen recombinants before either of us knew of the other's interest, but the main problem was to establish the signifi- cance of the prototrophs, and this meant learning how to use additional markers. It was also necessary to learn the conditions under which syntrophism operated. The project was started, on the Mambdumm one hand, on such a long-chance basis, and on the other positive results were obtained so readily (e.g. in the first critical combination of two diauxotrophs) that there was o "lab opiniog” greatly different from our own. The first hint of the work 9 at a local bacteriology meeting. ("reprint enclosed). Wixkkmxmx The CSH sosium was the firat real discussion of it (Evelyn can tell you about it). ‘e sent to Mature appeared prior to the publication of the 1946 symposium. ve other anecdotal material is contained in my chapter in "Genetics in th Century, and in gg our CSH 1951 ms. It happens that Esther worked viginal isolation of the double auxterophs at Stanford (see PNAS 31:2193 relevant material ia enclosed. Sincerely J. Lederberg