INDIANA UNIVERSITY BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA i+} May 5, 10h7 wey sy 2 Mr. de Lederberr Osborn Botanical Laboratories Yale University New Faven, Connecticut Dear Lederbers: Thank you for your coments on the reviews ‘tne paper by Sherman Ihave not quoted, since,sithouch starting with the richt set- vw did not ciscuss clearly the importance of the method, whieh in so led them no where, anvwer. I miecnt, however, add tneir referenca for sekea of thorourhnesse As for our experiments on lethel rvtetions in phase, vrour cuess was almost completely richte I am now plennine en enalvsis of dif- ferences between wild-types in terrs of the number of renes in which they differ: as you see, we are apvroachine the populationg ceneticist's dreame 3yv the wey, do you know of any person who would be interested in & good fob working with me on this problem next vear, and rossibl: lonser? The salary would be commensurated to trainin- (some mathenetics and senoties required) end nartievlerly to »rains.e. JT wish I covld lend another Ledarberr. Rest recards, lira» S. #. Luria