UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION DIVISION OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA July 30, 1951 Dr, Joshua Lederberg University of Wisconsin Dept. of Genetics Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr, Lederberg: I have been delayed in answering your letter of July 8 by a variety of things, including field trips. The cultures which my assistant sent were cultures which we had identified as either Escherichia freundii or E, intermedium. I would not personally call these aberrant coliform types. 1 have no cultures at the present time in my collection which would fall in this category, I have somewhere near a thousand cultures of coliforms in my collection at present, but at least 90 per cent of these are representatives of the E, coli group, and we are just beginning to look into some of their species characteristics, From time to time I get a number of intermediate and aerobacter types. If you so desire I can send intermediate and unusual types as they come to our attention, Unfortunately the large collec- tion I had originally was slowly dissipated through neglect during the war period, I would be very grateful if you would send me copies of your reprints. I am very sorry that we did not get to see each other in Chicago. I was busy trying to run down som industrial contacts and was in and out of Chicago during the time of the meetings. Very truly yours, Oe @ lhag he Reese H, Vaughn RHV:ECC