UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION DIVISION OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA March 27, 1951 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Genetics Dept. University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. Dear Dr. lederberg: I am sending you today under separate cover copies of our reprints on the coliform bacteria. One paper in which I think you might be particularly interested is no longer available, but I wish to call your attention to it. The reference follows: Vaughn, Mitchell, and levine 1939, The Voges~Proskauer and mthyl red reactions in the coli- aerogenes group. J. Am. Water Works Assoc., 31, 993-1001. There are other earlier reprints which also are unavailable so far as my own collection is concerned. If you have need for them you might write to Dr. Max Levine, Chief, Bureau of Laboratories, Territorial Board of Health, Honolulu. It may be that he has copies which he would be able to send to you. We have started to get the collection of cultures ready to send. They should be on their way within the week. Very truly yours, Mb ghe Reese H, Vaughn RHV:ECC sep. cover