UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION DIVISION OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA Mareh 15, 1951 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I have read your letter of March 1, 1951, with a great deal of in- terest, but field work has delayed my reply. I have only a few of the in- termediate coliforms referred to in your letter, However, I do have addi- tional intermediate forms which I have isolated from food products. You are perfectly welcome to any or all of these cultures if you will let me know how many you want and five me time to check their purity. I shall have to ask one of my students about the cellobiose ferment- ers. He has just recently been characterizing some isolates and has that in- formation in his own file at present. Inasmuch as he works in the Laboratory only at night and on week-ends now, I shall not be able to contact him until Saturday, I shall let you know about the availability of such cultures in another letter. During the Chicago meeting I would very much welcome the opportunity to talk with you about your work, if you expect to be there, and if the time can be arranged. As you know, I have been interested in the coliform group since I began my graduate studies, and fortunately I have been able to contin~ ue some of the work here. I have tried many times to convert coli into aero~ genes and vice versa, but without any luck, although I have not tried your technique. I shall attempt to get as complete a collection of reprints as are still available and send them to you under separate cover. Yours very truly RHV sel Reese H. Vaughn sep cover