MERCK INSTITUVE FOU THER ACHP ID RYSIAkCH Rahway, Ne J, . November 2, 19535 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. Dear Doctor Lederberg? We hope that you will pardon the use of this form letter but its purpose is to save time and trouble for us both. We are in the process of preparing for publication a book entitled "Introduction to Bacterial Physiology,” to be published by W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, Calif., some time in 1954, This book is designed as an undergraduate college text, since we think that bacterial physiology need not be restricted to graduate students and hope that this volume will f111 a necessary and useful place among the text- books in this field. In this volume we wish to make use of material which you have published as indicated below. “e already have the permission from the publisher to reproduce this material, but naturally would like to have your approval as well. Of course, we shall be most happy to give you and the publisher credit for the origin of the material requested. The material we wish to include is the following: 1. Figure 2: “Genetic studies with Bacteria® in "Genetics in the 20th Century," L. C. Dunn, ed.; MacMillan Company, HN. Y., 1951. 2. Data from Figure 1: J. Bact., 65, 399, 1952. In order to save you time and trouble, if you would Simply sign the enclosed duplicate letter as indicated and return it to us, this would constitute your consent for the use, as specified, of the material listed above. Thank you for this favor. Sincerely yours, /VMF We W. Umbreit, E. L. Oginsky Signed