MERCK INSTITUTE FOR THERAPEUTIC RESEARCH RAHWAY, N. J. November 6, 1951 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Doctor Lederberg: We are sending to you today subcultures of the Murray strain of E. coli, including the strentonycin- sensitive and streptomycin-resistant mutants. These are not the original cultures described in the paper you cited, since those cultures had unfortunately been lost. However, the sensitive strain we now have is also a sub- culture from the "Murray“strain of the N. J. Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Murray resistant was derived by the same procedures originally used. We have not retested these strains for growth response to aeration, as in Table 1. They have been checked, however, for their oxidation of pyruvate, oxal- acetate, and a mixture of these, in the presence and absence of streptomycin. They were again tested this week before the subcultures were made for you, in order to verify their metabolic activity. The results on these strains are as follows: Qog (N) Murray Murray Streptomycin Sensitive Resistant Pyruvate - 496 2l6 " + 456 240 Oxalacetate - 328 152 " + 32 152 Pyruvate + Oxalecetate - 408 192 " " + 136 232 Dr. Lederberg -2- November 6, 1951 The data on oxalacetate are higher that those in Table 2 of "The Action of Streptomycin. II." because the oxalacetate decarboxylase had not been as completely aged oute The new "Gratia" strains which we now have are somewhat different metabolically from those previously reported, although the basic pattern, i.e. loss of the ability to oxidize pyruvate and oxalacetate beyond the oxidation state of acetate, is also characteristic of this resistant strain. We should prefer, however, to investigate these strains further before subcultures are sent. Yours truly, Pret L-Sepuarery-— ELOs VME Evelyn L. Oginsky