Department of Genetics, University of wisconsin, Madison 6, Wis, July 27tn,, 1984 bear Josn, You asked for some opinions on Uetake's paper, I've now nad &@ cnance to re-read the paper so nere are tne opinions, tney are ratner general and not directed to any specific faults or obscurities, Tne paper is undoubtedly too long, tnis is largely due to tne over-~ extensive nistorical introduction, 4nis I feel could be overcome by reference to review papers, particularly as tnere is some renasa in the discussion, {ne numbering of paragrapns, or findings, irritates me, but I presume tne editors would cut tnis anyway. Much of tne experimental findings could be telescoped,there is no heed to devote a nevsection to eacn individual sere~ type, fhis same cffriticism applies to tne break-down of tne discussion, I feel, moreover, tnat sucn a rearrangement of material would make it far more easy to foliow. section 15) of the discussion and Table 3 I find ratner difficult to swallow. As far as 1 can see tnere is an overali similarity in origins of all tne strains listed. Jnis seems to be some form of special pleadigg wnien tends to detract from tne rest of tne paper. tine data on tne incorporation of tne 15 '‘determining' factor is inter- esting, also tne fact that tne potentialigy to produce 10 is not lost but apparently only concealed, in some cases not even tnat, Wnat is tne state of those strains (section iX) whicn nave veen reverted from 3,15 to 3,10 ? Are tney still lysogenic? surely if tnere were 4 very small fraction of 3,10 cells (nonelysogenic) in tne tranéformed culture tnese would be at a selective advantage in tne presence of a 15 containing medium, tnighoes not require the postulation of a direct anti-pnage action on the pro-pnage as is suggested in 13)of tne discussion, In any case the sera could be pre- aosorbed with a pnage preparation so eliminating tnis possibility. fnere are, of course, faults in Englisn but tnese are not very ex- tensive and I wont botner to detail tnem., I presume you will take tnis up witn Uetake yourself, A culture of Aerobacter nas come from Hingsnelwood, Do youfrisn anytning special done witn it? I've only nad it suodbed into a stab as yet in case tne original slope dries up. 2 Little of note nas nappened in Madison since your departure, I forewarded some mail to Ann Arbor and nave stockpiled some wnicn I will post to Woods dole to-morrow, ine N,Y¥,Times did reply witn your pre-addressed@ card and stated tnat they will send tne paper to Woods Hole August lst tnrough 3lst, A copy of Punch arrived for Estner with no note as to sender, possibly Clive or Bruce but tne writing of tne aduress did not agree witn eitner, AS yet there is no furtner news on the rebuilding front but I understand tnat Mr,Rowland wili be coming tomorrow to spend a day or so replanning nis drawings, fne V story nas not progressed very far, I'm naving difficulty getting a phage preparation from sL 18, or ratner mem I nave not been able to obtain one to wnien SL 15 is sensitive, On retesting tne 'motilised' 8L 15 cultures, after subculture on NSA rather tnan EMB, they all seem to be iV,V, even tnose wnicn are non-lysogenic but motile, Tne numbers are very small and this must be extended, In any case tnere is selection for those cells in wnicn it is Known @ cnange nas occured, It would be more logical to pick colonies at random after adsorption of, say, FA 22 to SL 15 and then to test tnese, after purification, for V, motilify, and lysogenicity, Enis I will do if I fail to obtain a suitable preparation from SL 18, I nope your stay at Woods Hole proves profitable, at least it will be more bearable tnan Madison's numidity. fin okey , flec