Bacteriology Dept. Queen's University Kingston Sept 15, 1952. Dear Dr and Mrs Lederberg, I just arrived back to work to-day after taking a couple of weeks vacation during which I leveled [SIC] mud around our new home, planted grass and finished several other jobs. Both Max and I were very sorry we missed you when you came through Kingston. Dr. Reed's secretary had all the information on where I was and could get me back to the school on short notice but she was away when you called and new girl took your message. It was unfortunate as I had plannedon taking you around the school and out to the subdivision and the new house, where we're pretty well set up now. However, you may have been so impressed by the "wilds" around here that you will be back to visit and we'll see you both. I've been keeping more information you asked for a couple of weeks ago which I'd better now give you. I received the cultures [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] you mailed and noted your remarks about what to do in case of their distribution. The lyaphol[?] tubes of V.E. will grow on minimal medium and tryptophane and the mutants below require the following additions: 2-1-4 cystine or cysteine G59 cystine X7-87B a mixture of amino acids uncharacterized All did react with E. phage but probably now contain numerous phage-resistant W forms. However, I have received W. forms. However, I have recovered Vi forms from similar cultures when I arrived back. I hope you didn't have too much trouble with the currency here. To-day I cashed an American cheque which represented the band of 250.00 I put on the car on entering the States and which I paid 265.00. I got back a measly # 238.25. I got "hooked" both ways by the currency discount change. We'd really make money if we were ever at Wisconsin this year instead of last. Regardless of this too, we all miss Wisconsin and Badger. Please give my regards to friends in the lab including Sam Scheimberg downstairs. Yours sincerely, Bill Thomsan