HOTEL DUPONT PLAZA DUPONT CIRCLE AND NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE N.W. WASHINGTON 6, D.C. JOHN J. COST Hudson 3-6000 GENERAL MANAGER 9 March 1962 Joshua Lederbers 7146 Alvarado Row Stanford, California Dear Josh: Many thanks for your prompt answer to my letter of 3 March. If you are not an Associate the only way I can assure that you will be kept informed is to list you as a potential member of the Movement along with some 700 others who have expressed strong interestaV is you may know, you will be regarded a member of the Movement if you Y) spend 2% of your income on campaign contributions after having listened to the advice of the Lobby. You would be regarded as a supporter of the Movement if you spend 1% of your income for campaign contributions, -y 4 y| | ef T am grateful for the check which you sent me but T am returning it enclosed because I have no way of handling checks made out to me per- sonally. If you feel you would like to contribute to my current office expenses you may send me a check made out to the University of Chicago,in ne, which case your cift will be tax deductible. HomseniniE nn EANEI EE With kindest resards, Sincerely, fut Leo Szilard PeSe Please call me up the next time you are in Washington if your time permits. a | BAe KCĀ¢ 2 ae x dencwn nongy fra wn fron, Baye Mayer Vee.