THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAGO 37+ ILLINOIS THE ENRICO FERMI INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR STUDIES Washington, D. C. March 3, 1962 Professor Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics and Biology Stanford University Palo Alto, California Dear Josh: The attached letter is meant for you and those others whose names are listed in the memo "The Next Step". I should be very grateful to you for reading the attached letter and the enclosures, and for advising me as soon as possible whether you are willing to serve as an Associate. Sincerely, Lip WO 2 eC Leo Szilard Hotel Dupont Plaza Washington 6, D. C. Telephone: HUdson 3-6000 Enclosures P.S. I am enclosing the revised and final version of my speech, which will be printed in the April issue of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, LS 7-4 v |