Feb 10, 1960 Dear Josh, About Szilard - I did not approach Brom K I agree with you it would be an empty gesture. Instead I wrote three great persons. Niels Bohr, H. J. Bhaba and J Yorkawa Concerning the Royal Dan. Academy - I am afraid that I am just a month too late - we shall see. - A token of official recognition for India or Japan would be meaningful to Szilard. - What a Tragedy and yet he is cheerfull [SIC] and of course very courageous. I must have spent 2 hours at this bedside at Memorial. He was particular interested in two things. He encourages me greatly to consider an offer from Jonas Salk to come to La Jolla. Tomorrow I will see Salk again (it is Salk's initiative) I will take him to the Boston Symphony Concert in Washington !). What is your opinion about Salk's great plans ? Szilard and I talked about the book "The Children of the A bomb", a collection of children's letters describing in a condensed form what they saw and felt the dreadful August day when the Atomic bomb fell on Hiroshima. My good friend Jean Katsumo Dan who translated [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] the book to English sent me the book directly from Japan. It is impossible to get here - nobody has heard about such a book. I am trying to do something about it and Szilard encouraged me to contact Norman Cousins. We are trying to get Bohr to come to a Symposium on photobiology. I am not sure that McElroy is handling him sufficiently skillfully so as to suceed in having him come. After all Bohr is an elderly man. I hope that George Wald has acted on my suggestions to have Harvard invite him too. Perhaps invitation for Stanford and Cal. Tech would help consolidate. But it has to be in April because the photosymposium (which I suggested call "Light and Life") is last week of March. It is probably too late. Ask Henry Kaplan! I am writing this letter at 5 a.m. that is a time of the night when one is apt to get imaginative ideas. - Is there any chance - of conferring a "doctor honoris causa" on Szilard at Stanford? Otherwise there is CalTech, Oregon and perhaps even U. of Chicago (Evans would be kindly inclined). We will write Esther and you soon about news[?] on the K12 front. There are some which might interest you. Fondest regards Sincerely Herm.