December 21, 1949. Dr. Leo Ssilard,, 6200 Drexel. Avenue, Chicago 37, Dl. Dear Szilards You may remembering my mentioning Cavalli's name, for someone that the Institute might consider bringing here. Bertani knows him, and says he is about 28 years old. Luria may know him also. Cavalli's address is: Luigi @avalli, Dept. Genetics, University of Cambridge, 44 steurey'd day, Canor&dge, Englani. As you may have surmised already froa the erasure above, I am a little muddled as to whether this was mentioned with yourself or Dr. Hogness,but this should make little difference if the information can be of any use to the Institute. ne had a very good tine this trip, and thank you for It. Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg