5S THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO oO CHICAGO 37+ ILLINOIS INSTITUTE OF RADIOBIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS U (so 1155 E. 57th Street ¥ bud “Chicago 37, Illinois October POs 1948 [poe go cp =) “Professor Joshua Lederberg [6200 Dreve 2 | Department of Genetics Cee University of Wisconsin \>Madison, Wisconsin Dear Lederberg: ~This is just to confirm that the monthly meeting which Luria and I are jointly running has been definitely set now for Saturday, the 20th of November, at Chicago. If you get here Friday night in time for dinner (6 P.M.) we could have dinner together (I expect the Bloomington crowd to get here for dinner also, if they come by car; otherwise they will have din- ner on the train, which gets here about 7:45 P.M.). We plan to have an informal hive te eo discussion Friday night, also Saturday morning and Saturday evening, I would suggest that you drop a line to Novick as soon as you } know when you will get here, and also state whether you are going to stay over for Sunday, and we will then make the necessary arrangements, We count on your telling us at your convenience of the results which you obtained since early summer, and we are anxious to have you go into details, Both Ryan and Luria told us something of your exciting findings. We had a rather nice meeting in Bloomington last weekend, with & Hershey coming from St, Louis and Muller and Sewall Wright participating. Most ay Re ; o of it was about phage. We sri to concentrate the discussions of phage at the | Bloomington meetings, and keep the Chicago meetings broader in scope. This at least is our plan so far, Sincerely Lk eer Leo Szilard