AB (v July 30, 1946. Dear Dr. Luria- I have spent the past two wecks on a wild goose chase: finally managing to secure two Houble biochemical mutants in B/r (Y38-Y43 arginine;pethionine and Y39-Y44 histidine;p-auinobenzoic ac.) Several experiments at attempting to get prototrophs from their interaction, and from B/r and K=12 mutants, have been entirely negative. I do not think,therefore,that you will have any particular use for them, This is a fortunate occurrence, because it connects very beautifully with the observation that you stated in your last letter that your recent experiments indicate no recombinations of virus resistance in B. It is clear then,I think, that we shall have to continue to work with K-12 strains. If you have other strains of E. coli (preferably motile-just a hunch of mine} which are susceptible to this series of viruses I might try the same with them. I am looking very hard for a possible instance of ‘hetero~ thallism,' Thank you very much for the informtion on the phage susceptibility pattern of K~12. It does look kk like there may be a lot of material here. I would suggest that it would be important for you to ascertain whether complex OOOOCOL resistance mutants occur in K-12; if so there 1s the chance of analysing them. I have gotten what I think are some recombinations of biochemical requirements and virus re.istance (aside from resistant and susc.ptible prototrophs} but I'll have to look into that more carefully. Also, from the ratios of resistant and susceptible prototrophs in various 'crosses! there seems be be some sort of linkage (about 5@ %) between resistance to T-L and sither proline or threonineless,. Since this will complicate con- siderably any use of bicchemical factors as selectors, more work will have to be done with a vraiety of these mutants to find sets that will allow a more random distribution of resistance in the prototrophs. I feel compe ent to work with the segregation of single resistante factors,but I am very anxious for your collaboration,or rather to collaborate with you, on the complex mutation problem.(A word on terminology- I mean by complex a phenotype different in several characters obtained by a ‘single mitational step' as distinguished from maltiple mitations which are obtained in iterated steps+) I eatpect to be in New York in about two weeks, and will endeavour to visit you, bringing the latest informtion, and possibly the most suitable cultures. This is not certain,however; I would appreciate it if you could let me know when you expect not to be at Cold Spring Harbour. Very sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg.