The University of Chicago CHICAGO 37, ILLINOIS Department of Zodlogy April 30, 1948. Dr. J. lederberg, Dept. of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. Dear Dr. Lederberg: We are glad to learn that you find it possible to come to Chicago to talk before our Genetics Club. Friday, May 21, 8 P.M. seems satisfactory and we will schedule the meeting for that day and hour. I have a clase until 5 P.M. Friday afternoon so cannot meet your train but take a taxi to the Zoology Building, 57th and Greenwood. I'll be in my office after 5 P.M. I want you (and Mrs. lederberg if she is with you) to bel fuer te for dinner Friday evening. We can go directly from dinner to the place of meeting, Zoology 29. I shall arrange hotel accomodations for you for Friday night. Tet me imow whether Mrs. Lederberg will accompany you s0 I can arrange accordingly. Saturday morning we should like to have you visit labora- tories and investigators on the campus. We are planning 4 small luncheon at the Club for Saturday noon. After that we shall not be responsible for your activities. Cordially yours, herbal H. a HHS :ES Herluf H. Strandskov. P.S. Please send soon the title of talk. Clee Lf ane hereon ¥ Wir~ Veder bins lh tern y aig gem.