April 27, 1948. Dr. H. H, Strandskov, Deptartment of Zoology, University of Chicago, Chicago 37, lllincis. Lear Ur, otrandskov, I shall be glad to speak to your Genetics Club. Unfortunately, due to the ccolnoidance of the JAB mectings, the eurlfiest time whieh ocn be convenientiy arranged will be Friday, May 21. I hope thet this will not be unsuitable. Probably, we shall take the 2:15 Pu Milwaukee Road out of aadison which arrives in Chicago 5:20 (C3T). Unfortunately we are not well acquainted with the City of Chicago; however if you can give us exe plicit diraotions we could find our way to the University. Fither Friday evening or Saturday morning would be sata&sfactory for the address. My wife and I very och enjoyed our brief visit to your departnent a week or so ago. Thank you for the offer of paying expenses. If these arrangements ure satisfactory, we shall write again later confirming our plans. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg - Assistant Professor of Genetics.