dune 18, 1947 « Ir. F. Strandskov, Research Lepartment, Wallace and Tiernan, Prods.,Ic., Bellewille, NJ. Your recent paper in J. Bact. "Inhibition of methionine synthesis in E, coli by 2-C1-PAB and SA" was very interesting to me, particularly in the light of the genetical problem which it seems to introduce: namely, the induction of heritable resis- tance by the drug to which the induced mutant is re: istant. I would enjoy wery much, sometl e, the opportinity of repeating your experiments on a strain of “. coli in which genetic analysis is possible (see a paper in the next forthcoming J. Bact.) For this purpose, I would a preciate it if you could send me a Sample of 2-Chloro-p-AminoBenzoic Acid, if that is convenient. However, before I can wholeheartedly accept your conclusion that the inhibitor plays a direct role in the production of the adapted types, I would appreciate your opinion on an alternative interpretation, As I understand it, the crucial finaing is that a) resistance is rather slowly developed a > . i iyuid medium, and b) a large proportion ( 10%) of the vod chao heritable resistante when inocu'ated into asur medium. It is not clear from your paper whether a resistant culture, when plated into Cl-pab agar shows the same lag in the developmpe::t of colonies from single cells, as in the ""selection"" of the resistent cells from the original sensitive population. If there is no such lag, the conclusion is of course inescapable that there are not cells in the original sensitive population comp rable to those which you found after the treatment. If this were so, then _ the only loophole left open is perhaps that there is some growth @ of the sensitive cells (perhaps to microcolonies of 107-104) which is not readily perceptible, but which provides a population large enough for an occasiohal spontaneous mutation to resistance, then selected for and forming the 10-25% yield of visible colonies. I hope you will not find obnoxious this kind of heckling, but in the light of the little genetic knowledge we have of bacteria the geneticist is still inclined to fight to the last ditch against directed Claims of specific adaptive mutations. For the slow manifestation of "resistant mutants" in liquid culture, I have but one additional thought to sugcest, namely that thbre may be an interaction between the sensitive and resistant cells, such that in the presence of Cl-pab, the resistants are inhibited to a greater extent than they would be in the absence of the sensi- 6 tives. This could be checked very easily bg using artificial mixtures. This is not a purely hypothetical occurrence, since lr. Ryan has been finding just such an interaction between histidineless and wild type E. coli, and he and I have described a similar sort of behavior in Neurospora heterocaryons. (Adaptation and reverse mutation of leycineless Neurospora- Proc. Nat. tcad. sei. ) Finally, a reprint would be ap»reciated. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg: