UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY A Tribute to Ihe People of Calitornia DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94720 April 8, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical School Stanford, California Dear Joshua: I wonder whether Victor McKusick should be considered for membership in the National Academy? I know that McKusick's name is not connected with a specific major discovery but it takes all kinds of people to advance science. McKusick's catalogs of genes, his monograph on the X chromosome and his general con- tributions to human genetics seem to me deserving serious at- tention in connection with the Academy. 1 must tell you that I brought up this matter in a letter to Jim Neel some considerable time ago. Jim did not feel that he could support an election of McKusick. Possibly you may feel the same way, but I would like to hear your reaction. Cordially yours, Cork Curt Stern CS:mra P.S. Identical letter sent to James Crow and L. C. Dunn. NALS