4 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY BERKELEY 4, CALIFORNIA January 21, 1958 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics The University of Wisconsin College of Agriculture Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Joshua: Of course I am glad that you made the comment in your recent letter concerning my paper on the scope of genetics, You are cor rect, and I am grateful for this correction. What I had in mind when I wrote the article was as I realize now, not work on DNA, but what I thought was work accomplished on the tobacco mosaic virus, in crystalline form. I had thought that the various chemical mutants which were investigated by Knight had been obtained after treatment "in the test tube", However, a conversation with Knight clarified the point that this has really not yet been accomplished to anybody's full satisfaction. Hope to see you soon, with best wishes, Sincerely yours, Cart Curt Stern CS/sm