September 26, 1947. Dr. Curt Stern, Editor of Genetics, SOT7 Life Seiences Bldg., University of Califbrnia Berkeley 4, Califomia,. Dear Dr. Stern, Enclosed is corrected galley proof of my paper for Genetics. I have made printer's mistakes in black, and my own in red penoil because you seemed to have made suoh a precedent, although the mimeographed instructions were contradictory. I hope this will not be too confusing! I have also indicated the preferabie approxinate 1: cations for the tables and figures, under the impression that this was doné between galley and page proof. I hope thet this will not delay you. All bills should to sent to yale, c/o Frof. latum. Is the proof reproduction the best that can be done with the photograph? It seems only barely accsrtable for a journal of Genetics! caliber. . Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg, (Asst. Professor of Genetics)