april 12, 1948. Dr. H. B. Steinbach, Dept. Zoology, University of sinnesota, Minneapolis, linn. Dear Burr, As you mst have heard, Janey Harting decided to stay in S$. Louis and become one of Cori's minions rather than come here, or go elsewhere. It was a big one, but it got away! anyhow I hope she will be happy in her chbice, which I have the impression is quite contradictory to all the advice she's received. That leaves me with a vacant fellowship for #1100; I'm looking for a replacement, but don't expect to find inything very satisfactory. If you hear of anyone, let me know. You may remember asking (in Chicago) whether Idd be willing to pay you a visit for expenses, and getting an affirmative answer. I au not trying to preas the point, but as you know the Society of American Bacteriologists is meeting in Minneapolis on May 10-14. The meetings won't be worth going to, but there are a couple of people I would like to see. If you still had in mind asking me to speuk, it would be of some advantaze to ae if you could set the date immediately befcre,during or after those meetings. ive don't intend to muke the trip for the seetings alone. How ara you Finding it up there? Madison reasins very pleasant, colle«gues and administration cooperative and personally congenlal—- in a word we're having a fine time, and the work is progressing well. Best regards, Joshua Lederberg.