ee” January 2, 1947. Dr. He 3. >-teinbach, Dept. of Zcology, University of Minnesota, Migneapolis, inn. Deur Burr, You remember I asked you to keep your eyes open for some promising students who might be interested in microbial genetics. John Reiner brought up Jane Harting's name. this inggiry is probably vary premature because Jane doesn't so much as know yet about the possibilities here, and she may not be iaterested, but I'll have to work faust if she is, and the more and better inform:tion 1 can have the better. Inasmuch as she worked for you dast sumer, you might be in a favorable position to judge whether she has the temperument, brains and skiil for a scientific future. John iaplied that she wes leaving medicai school and would be looking for a place to do graduate work. she Lapressed ac yuite favorallg during our fleeting comtact lastvsumer, and did seem interested in pacteriai genetics. what would be ypur ideas on the subject’ Hope you reached home without trouble. Eather and I were rather iate to lieave and were tied up tanglewise by the storns. jincerely, Joshua wederberg