June 10, 1946. Dear Sam: Sorry not to have taken care of all this earlier, but I have been hot on the trail of some very exciting (and therefore nerve-wracking) stuff, and it. was only because I had to insist on taking some time off to take care of other responsibilities that I have been able to get started on producing Neurospora as I promised som tine ago. Hower, I've got som carboys going now, and should be able to make all you need, which I will send in the near future, Till then, Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg, P.S. Dr. Rhoads visited our labs recently and seemed very much interested in my work. I put over that 'neoplastic growth..on basis of pRonatic mutation! idea to him, and he not only understood it which is remarkable for a CR man but seemed interesred and impressed. Something may yet come of that angle, J.