op Thursday, april 25, 194 Dear Joshs Thanks for the note I will: be glad to have the culture and aopreciate the references, Now I have an eppology to makee It seems that one of ihe cultures I gave you last winter is probably not « true ENCOWY CES « Dr. Benham was not there wt the time when I xot out the cultures and I had assummed that tuey were as marked in the file, uowever, as she tells me now only te "filuliger" nas been definitely proven to form asci and the otner one, "albicans", is probably a Candida albicans. I hope this will not upset your work and I'm sorry that I did not know about it beforee If you do not still have the "fibuliger" culture, I will be clad to send you anotner. fest luck, Veawitle. | Geok'