Departuent oS Loclony [ooS Selene hin E x tatoo Desk 6. 4 Hada, Jenconney ob 1443 oa | 1 Cpa Hoe 11>, ne | 1 ui / ectoh dent hae 1 aca Eee Cates paces (uch my lee) fetuructnas — f | Vin th tee wlll ai Loaky atinaled, ap [>H. Msn po de . p05 yerbl AD, femnrznloia) \ ae [aedag, tty 7 p(t Ville fo baccre cbt cial” Adee pepeh Deeeed meme A (9 Py Cyuet: ke fot file cl ga ai i ae BORDA Bae Re een ee oo ena iis a are i thd, by once 643 | hon asOy neces eed | iW Soap tebondg a Ae A hienorer Lica, Me "yor pubbstier, WW habe, Decibel Zo putlel, | , ‘ ya PUAS, Sea ee Ia | ae "A Coblucieee Sees LE Geabicrt sit Sree hock op” we Meola ba npn ree 9A | . Ae t j pecseinaelh cart iverle as a ty CL IE. rudk Herlane chener tub the rrotums cf Ue tamer | bh,’ 22 Harn the the Linon ts. A | etl) scx nae pi fe ee pe te wet. jane Caan uy Lute . merlin oniphicth eerie tah ot bona!) ; . id We 9 lenges heer a prerticny bead) | 1 fin rd aired get Dh. Than Vhs case “Adnad es ce the Tapa nsgulltn’ Lhat prercvtion | " Dera tls a pereer in na Co pe fe sg Fi , “pe cee : nee = poten ait pa a borriacte wich a ao (yep mle ‘path ight et ns wee fii cect pret Kimuss tah & cell 1p Tageek? oe _— ma wee ' 1 | : , ‘ : . : : epee 4 ae pe ak The predict tamed ag fel at fees cp wa po way raed —— wre Cacao ate a on iat fe halon oe dae): é witty co primus . erates Oe inate fii fe ae ii ae ia a he + fect, baud, berpubates ted dork, Seph. 4 spose «fe ore Sept Pardee ,fascsing 1,/113 j2— An Tt fo fens 43 pi wp; chalet Chen Bl. Aft i ! 1 ‘4 | i : i i { - fs get | ' i : ! ¥ - ens | Jory -2Am nah ral! An ebeul Asada to wales few tod |. The britleamer 4 the nia melypape! 1 ta mpetbis {* He thnnosinns Har. The Birntbe | wthed weg bane pupantte. : pt - eee H grey beeen Il [, 1942 | 1 4 Wh. orien wg Sedfuneomadl O24 “Ine dren yn 0041 Cebfy ut - 7 [ae pamela eins bendy pty aes oO | [§ 1442 | AR kin Soren St afl , = Wena Vd. Aclr, bi Then Anos Wedntedon Janey 10 OA T 2/ 19743 th eoud io 4 f Cy brim Feta jeecrnery 22.1943 hevece 315-64 PLT. Bho / , . Sliced fein’ geclas for tae 2>, 1/943 Mendy, Possney / rc | 1S ese? 119012 Fata . I : Okie Dhames feiree before Us bacgon thks wag be bag ly untold Jarier § i teat 2 aLe bro rnaDll roe Ne actney = . woe tbl Paplle Hay 7 an roel. , hy worly to dale: cate en a 350 Y HeoVv sor Ment Feb, I 1443 abuts. - git ols a i/: wf Tony Doe toe Sacr IP AY >/3/y, — Wak Lis SS? ; Rd ot. Pengushu o1 > Orebreerdacy, Flrismseg 2,913 Joby ZPY ~ Pecanenties peg — [becccaclay, Fe YIWR F-T30 : Clara (Siren b grin Chasey? ¥2; shay Soro WE | Web): M30-1L:00 Rat Bonus, 3:30-7:00 Perare 3:30 Hay Hermaractin’d, Phas /0, Chuang 66;DeMa th troll, © _ te WPL cuit, 1 fy wie At 4 Mead Vajetnhe bode liad: Humearreliss Be 4-10 nes | Tex diz = 22 BL +2 za 4. +p bday: F 5, 443 Nefalp-vrrta ach frm) Wal, Px, wards la ameanet propece for Hews 664, bigeen peeegreccse safle, wh prrgy Dante , Mathiny Hos Meth 3¥ He Puy ves oo C7, eludes Ficbrcacey b, 191% Tinta: Read Dencte Onl, 44:30 Gat Eh, Del er eut Tentgrerctr! Pda Hes bao of eaghar - Ae. Looy Aerie: dhe * if poanebhe Hee pmclerrhoreummus finde cethe. Heky Pihourt stile for ; Be publi muckiate eonblion naprt nay HM pleralivs . , Vo Nath Hw 's, Plays (0. . / tea. 10 -10:30 /2—- (Hornet: 30 2?) Rend) Dati’ Lo Churarb > calertalind®; Natl brnuunds | f 94 de NW ! De: Net, 04 — Muth 3¥R Pay 5100 10 Dente beagleshs ey Deanday, Jebuay TI, Is — 6:20 PLS Lbmeg (Rf LA, 1436) De Meth HW (hyde (Yan geletourt, dae, Shon oe Peleadate to benly 2 bevecr | . oe _ oe | po -_ ba bl | . | ' bowed i | : : | | : l ‘ : : . ! ‘ i 20 M omar, Pebruniey €, 1943; fiz ~ N30 Cha rsen — 3PY Wak - TPM - 545 , “tar , 1>7%4 appa ae epoca Seppe ° Be cnctiald enmosnnne rire corset ay Wo Plays (0 - T:00 Ma Apormaliann ofvrecclec VPoddacrke weccroruclox Chain b6- 7:30 Aron. (er rnd SooY- 20h MM crwscony - Fee. lish C . deuts ¥:30~10 Colels ed. 454 PL GvbiLeny tov bof ; ) doctor. The Serine Hae | fed Joy $:45- 61S wisn, Navel Af Le wl ample, ee oe 14 we lt usTA oY Th. pie canoe eum. SOY Lsh. wing ened ek ntl fn Hav 46 erp: _— Yo} As . FA 26 . Tiewaday Februmey 7, (#43 1:30 — eee evie . Lore rane - DO ystems Pantie bireee , & hd ees mailbag : aN Lo ia aa Aidan rosy cenence A hgeacky apricot saash pressed Vaurpce Hernia Mig hype Eck wo tale til edb eo egal | Hasan ad, Bh pthea sorting Puck Stevan a Ha —biktea, 4 430 -/o LI — re wNrbon : . p fo-« Clare CL, 2 fee } eee La Ueoncrmes rere, a hay. Ee pisso fel : Ke 7 r . ; _ ; (-{e Niven colle pret eck, facener crtyetle wIL ry basse wll tite. {Se | pole |. Citi ar aE < cere picclts 80 Llwely ree — DMacebeen arealercel : nese @ Aonet a Le a Ga apc pes Mathaag settee The eased len axreenad ypalcaal! pase ty true Mole atte yeas eh. All pad) orgie! reg elie ith Ding Set each RI budtolee | m Pesca |

_ ! A ~ 5 32 t 2 v/s r frp Fede . 4:30 -4/0.0900 Wl. lo-~ IL Cheer — 13/7 3 | ie f/f 2 Scurslag . }} - U1, 30 bagich a ard rr ah Hake 34 Mond, { dna [6,913 730-1 HM: cleaee - Cd Phys Ch: tolhinuty Mercreaul uh umbe ove P4 p ~ F Peg, Coke fon aay Vbh, A767 477. /. [0 bbb arth. H. Taylors mM - Mapdetlden asd panes ? Een ho t7?, waar feingedan macanertee mes papaaecl a -neoass. —_ \ \ | sped | \ fe dene \ ey owe ft ! 36 thew 730-6 (Lams, — Teens, CF berenng | EGS Cheones — 2- ‘ \ i \ \ ee a ee \ - ~ x= es a — 3 ~ q Y : hy, ip et et meme . ~ 3 tae eg . 4 + . o —_— ; a pee, ore eee oe a 4 @ 38 T burro 2725-493 Ref oF scor 3 Poy | : Oe A oe Ss) a RA a we Df. Ho Sh 7 eee . “Hore ee oe . yet . : eRe oS . \ 2 eQ 2B gee oO - 7h, ; o 4 one = / oe 50" 08 Oo Oo 0% ° 00 & ” TS +89 chemmeoaniny - Poca, Yn eer, The. cheonwsmeers wt wore Aol Liles, pabapr some U4 oo. { , ?” ed LY Lith. ocrrkeeds > foe etacdy Hep, “gs! {8r- fr .-28-¥32 VOD Y 6 embtd ui Gece. of | EO Tee roleady. ble, LM? faifireke more, cube — atime feota'dee G i, Lk - jute ts pont Deen nel Han rome of “ ; ——— nah teh Cand “~ 7 Cy ved abel) a Qeeeereh ag [cheb 40 Wess) fave 4b. Petial colt oxlucd <7 lanes Seas a af =—— __-_- - yer 73 oki ue reek pny cd oe ca : - Taio vl {C8 _ dbsso , nul Ao akon poe | yee” Abd: Tied Ie f - 7 jell lowece a i 1 ee feu oviecno 1 Nt ht 7 | - , 7 497 Re ete 9h Howact | (as) [reall — Pacewsey fo Heer PL carer, alee pafhaceer ALL eget sre U8 4 Loc panertclie oh rr | Tadao foal 48 apie 184 (renal) 487 Wack " i\ enero ¥90 ? Ol her nvererenedl va hg fre nth fe) | ae. ; | ; | wT (snpetn') 92 - “mei , pce Be ; he lament, ( beer aed bier) | ay TPH 3-7-3 Cobtacerne jaeat wot Bri VZ1t3aD% | wok Bora 3-00-73, Va COL. Larned wes Lf; icppasinl folly 4 Low) sannke me Sine telichma | a ee elecrn cotoncar, bl uel A rtinag Lua. my fie omen Tg hay Tod oe Aes) Ae coll heidi 4 e- a Facial [ shew bows keel OR NT Vasg weer “rey! ben a, fcc wt pepe br ths _ Tt eT 3) ar neque te be nes ius Bx of tens merelrnns ~~ jhe futren actinity f tusks p » (° b. i \ A a é ‘ A ad .3P Howe Mau3), (44%, 3PM 432,01 BsooY 4b. art wor Daub bite Nene anaemia 42 7A3 fortes beghhy repped (S20 “34 ) With OL H27A! PIAS ~ Fely tad tees rates frsggy, buh oe Athen Hay Ml. a EE ET ee aus 4 7 fs sot de fae ele noi ipa ae le otal 5 aaa ’ ) Tasaden dome itl; 108M. 3g0V Hol AB, Kea tect | xe} propraretrin,. The | | bl.dFu,. ren eres os rat Cnak gerd, fhe prop | Ubrh BOY UGN. V aay proen ed font, | W493 Oi/a3 thtt—RAS fll ew ton earns | Pp} BRAY Stor ob. GM dl, bane ml, ie (i : q ” = A = YER. 3530p 14h. ool) Vik arrieuceliny, The capt hammodonae Het begranimytodirrpune rf Mite cp ae Tlicee 24 oan a agd fm apa Soom hirer” i The beysall seins od ms Be arafee ge nblonn * gM Nt tha tiin a Hap ¥s a ee nde fla j lioorerres 2 Ab atin hleniy Mat Med, PV, >lbprheth le - Oe coatan thlecngha’. nd aphasch Uqy— fclecine Lecter. Rall sercorrcbicruy . Vernal oon Vouny memal. [> vy be Ebon: 1- [ela amt Sarinr Deprnete prpereter | | Hye Eile. «or ikeat abi ag tea ‘eae J ; t NN Samdaay 1S Ag, (403. aL > bece Ww M (for Meer) neath Mp fo ho, arribed bnean tuikies ofHolenoliee | fraesen-racbrtin Tay War | Oe acal ott SSL ny wae | rane Jethapied barber, no rene, om | end hae cima rp . Ther Ahould rurt ap par | Artal a Cc , an wae I aaah i Dihee to aud am 2h © flaca wrtacchs, | dardbirsy Cat ang wed ae, Ubnohera t hart mnt. ava 1 Pesan v Morrdary (6 og, (4¢% NI, MH NG mM Hp NS Ay prordank., /[? eee. nn Ol CU Cheecadlnn (9 Aeeg. Lf fo-Lopece. [02.0 occH, oO .974 ce (BX » Clndad M.6. Reautling rb tin, arltin, woos hn - lee pancrsimites Le . Sc, ; “ | ce t.lee smewnude, he, wena ae | atin, ewe Lb ec oa cg ap ite He bachon’ I Cail oe eee today 2! Abd wee “A 405%. ce ao ard Hote : | ind bx A 7 3. sale fe po wy cael 7 add 9" to boc. Aa, bd lee | ~~ ON 3% CON Pla katie. cole — Clchwerne - soe Sl | oe aiqct. q\t te 52 jo { wl Te ©. 33 Ltt 2 97 942 527 277.67 IS BP VT 12. fo fT UtZ 1) Z3Sdhet% 7/135 LT 279 of 153333 2 ILO MN 3 4 DTH 34 74 IONS 233 133 A L414 29 54/5 22.28 Mire To BoM Pt Ob 871345 24 2833 1319810 3I\ 1 38 144 (sy suet 251245 24 pe B17 SdIT| IY SB lo 5 57? t 16356 8 235 2010.27 3221, HF 94 22,0 bo 1 % 0 #2254 6 /2 228A 2y\ I 24.32\% 19 t8Uers 2424 +9 787K6 2 32g A 2912 BT Hr 26)! 30 yne7 Y 36 50 797 1HE 4 330 AZ! Cad 14p 124 294422 VY INE V4 NLA £63 ae 8 AN Ts LUT MN AB BOF 10. (8 2ol4 UG s2I& 3 < B3t BN3|26 M4 1 (6M Aisle MM +6). 336y6 7 331 t | 219 & VI\27. dS LWW? ise (Nt 7E23996 4H 3328 73 Y 3A 7 bL 374 )0.78334|t U7 fo 68 333A 14346 poll 5534 Wolo 6LEN\TISYIE INGE 2 3328 3476 1 ule 64. 5 3 316 1 VA Zoe 274 6 12 334A tyf2f Zo 92] 153 2/ ING & fo 10 t 428 s4e 22 BB 131597 LIL M EFAS 23/05 9H 733 + 1s22q9Hb 22 B35 A138)5 dil 2 ey Ww 72S3Nt 14936) b 4 305 B ISLET EIT L249 9) 17 13 8 | T 43 2954 &4% 762.2 1187" G2 yan 3 97 b 3g\/:5 63 15, 345 + ard 294 7B 1 Jos 348) 3:1. oy ITER ta 2iz sete § + asfA 610 V4 OS 17. 0 25 32 130 8 24IT O77 HE OC asia to bLal|2 O $6 1313.0 &2a7|t OmME O 353A. | 47.19 — B18) | 2723 1776016 2 aks 0 152413 0 2130}27.0 J61T Wo 6 igthl& Yo Alea — PLO sys & {5° A | \by.3 2o(2.49 4 4815.49 S(BIF 19-5 26 7 . oN BL OO 37 Wy b0\6 4 {os 6 f (2 72e|7 106 18 5.725 ¢ 4 8 IB\E 7 fo 8 & tol. . — BY232097| 6 4 agp A 10\ 18 Bazin fre Oh 220 19 + 5836216 7 ¥3 Aa TH bolo BOI 1.0 7VV 3s f2E6 Ss 4S N Blho 1 2583 SO XBY 42019 136/ THE F ASB WHO 13/13. 52071 | 15 802 AT 7% LEZE 4 %7A 24 9 24 1423 4 BUIBO 18 6316 Ic wre shy 8lnigo 3 AL BBLA |G Ie Sw yn WY WN es kn. wy R. fran, 13 | aS, C45 1015 LYS 15:30 4:30 4v F.J. @ ee R= Qebed Drablintint 2.0:00 22F 23 8 19 Th 4 F ( LP 3. YTh oF 6S lo wW 16m. I Th BS Wools Sefuaduale SB hour L hows (Sun 20h, Bly bays IS |:Be 2:30 3-39 |;oo :30 3:50 3765 115 Hl:yS- Yd ' LS. WHS ~ 5:4 0:f0- 10:75 Y-Y.20. $:30- [h3e Pty IVF 4:Bo-4: OAM 3:/8 - 62/3 3:30 - $:30 fo" A | 3:30-6:45 Ts - A> HS - 1:30 Lis - WIS 3:30.-¢ 6s -. 7:45 MW Ido 3: 30-7 Z.o5+ 4: Bes k & (14) BOK 4e-R BA Rk (3,8 RB ete . t Cosel, } | ywes ( Relies rQ) F:00-6.95 5 (Slay ve T cack) 1O- 0:20 Pracd, =. BS Ww. T32 ISu,. 2 1s _ > : a 6:50 F ¥. Q:2%-G:2o "us Ryaasd eds. 4: op ? /0 T: 1s > oe 7\ 1S 2:10 S 6 F-4:46 ‘ 2ivo 4:90 n 7 10 That 7 8 ws oy 120 bath - Ww 4 ‘LS Raczy ~ t [0 Poop ang HO | yt [:/0 baad My en an : lO S [uv i an L - “fO 2598 tue. ( 3s? Abe) 6 (5 1:50 (oaibh Woe. C10) 2250 4e- SIE, “t, MIT 34 i> K aa SMH TW TT FS 6 OOOO MEP. ef BPO SAO HY BAND ~ retorted . pat 2 Y 5 6 jou els [farrr 17 16 1920 uy w 4217 S/ ff LB 7 @ 7 £0 Eped / p4 1S 1617 jf It ve el 2> wou we rp PF Be / 13 yY §F 678 (lee 7 fe ft /v ¢ Juke L943 BL YSAR oe be be te