ff oo [iv2/ A OOLCRIOLER SUSCEPTLBLUTY GRADIENT 18 OMLUM Hix B-Tr PBs By Jouhua Lederberg? Department of coolegy, und Department of Botuny Columbia University. Xt waa regognised by Levant in 1928 that the realte of the action of coighigine on meristematio,aomatic tissues are not necesrerily a wnt torm polyploidy. He states that after the treatment, on onion root-tips, there ‘is “a deaided correlation between the chromosome number of a cell and the position of the gell in the rout." The celle of higher ploiay were found. in the proximal parts of the mer#atem. Thereafter, the aist-1 meristem was progressively reconstituted to the d&ploid number, possibly by a dirierential division rate which favored the proliferation of dip- icid celis. Such a phenomenon might account in part for some of the vecnnieal ditiioul ties whieh are encountered in the use of coichicine in the artificial prodnetion of polyploid plants, Gn the basie of chunce observations on the ocuurrence of normul mitoses in colohicine treated material,an investigation was undertaken to determine whether or not there was an orderly,regulur differential reaotion of dixsierent paxsts of the onion root to the netion ef aolonhi- oine. , Colahicine efieats polyploidy through an inhibition of tne action af the mitotia spindle. Although the centromere split is relutivedy delayed, the chromosomal proceexes go shead as far as en initial, appar- ently autonomous separation of the chromatids. Tne centromere does finally eplit but there is no anaphase movement and the doubled nun- ber of chromosomes i8 included ina uing.e ceetitution nugieus. The name o-mitosia has been adopted for this prose: s.1t im ensily charac- terizea by the failure of goorientation and congression, the absence of spiile fibere in fixed material, and the ap earanve of separated chromatids joined at a conspicuous centronere.?, 4. Bulbs of the yellow onion,(Allium oepa).were germinated in &.p water. After roots one to two centimeters long had appenred, the water Was replaced with an aqueoue solution of colehicine (Colchicine Alkaloid, amorphous, Mallinexrodt) at concentrations of £605 - ,058 4, After a givan time of immersion in this solution the root tips were fixed in Karpachenko or Bouin, dehydrated through dioxan, mounted in pare, fin, and cut longitidinaliy at 8 micrones The sections were then stained with Iron Haematoxylin, Newton's Violet, or Feulgen. It soon appeared that mitoser and o-mitoser can exist in the same Foot tip, but their relative distriltion is not Fandom. Invariatly, mitoses were found in the distal,c-mitosees in the proximal portion of the root. The sones of mitosis and of e-mitosis are go alstinet as te leave no doutt as to the realit; of this phenomenon ,which was noted in each of almmat a hundred roots. In transitional zones, tripalar mistonea were very Occasionarly seen. In general, the effect of the higher conoeniration of ecszaenicine ie to produce a relitively priguer propertion of cemitoses, ana of the volume occupied by them in tne Foot. The plane of demarcation betwee. ui6 two Zones does not xvremain Btation-ry, tut moves distai.y,renohéng ite pesk,at whieh almost aal division figures are c-mitotie, at about 11 hours of urea trent. Considering the Ovaurrence of coms tosis as the Gytological inatoator of tie celifs susceptibility to colchicine, these resul«: can be inter- Pre teu u@ & graded susceptibility ,along the rovt's dongituainsl axis, of the cells to colchicine. That diiierenitial permeablility,or tranc- port mechanians,or intrinsic diitferences in the celi's phyeirlogy along the line of this gradient may be diivelved, de :eaornized but the data do not yet permit any decision among the various alternative hyfpotheces, A macrorcopie result of the exrfrets of oolohioitne ie the induction of a bulbous swelling, or ‘tumour, in the a:teoted root-vip, the mechan- ims or the produe tion of which is stili oon wovexaiala»¥> ° A® thage tnreshola concentrations, tue continued mitotio,ana oeli-proliferatory activity of pari of tie meristem permits the formation of very elongate tumours, some ane to tro ventimeters in Length,over a period of dare, i. The author iv particularly indebged tu Dr. W.G. Vhaley, Depactuent of Aotany,Colwibis University, for Pending toe mauugeript, ead providing many OL vue fagiiitie: Lor bis work, Me ie alvo inaeberd to many rene bers oF che “ooLogy Department for their srasious afsistance, und dip- ouerion of the problem, &. Sdillian Rayden emorial Bekdlw, Columbin Coliege. 5. “evan,\ibert, Hereditas,24, 471-466 (1936). 4. O''ara,J.G., Jour, Hered., 30, 38-87 (1939). 5. Huwrkes,7.G., Jour Genet.,4¢, lleze (1942).