abe Hartmann Stkhelin June 6th, 1956 Sandoz &.G. Basel Switzerland Prof. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetics University of Wisconsin Madison 6, Wisconsin Dear Dr. Lederberg: Thank you very much for your letter of May 24th in which you mention my papers on anthrax gymnoplasts. I have never used de Fonbrune's oil chamber nor have I tried your version of this method. I guess that your technique is well suitable for genetic, fusion and other studies with gymnoplasts. How- ever, for osmotic studies where it is necessary to change the environment of the cells several times within a short period and where it is desirable to observe a fairly large number of cells under identical conditions, I would assume that the "channel method" which I used is preferable. It has to be mentioned, though, that my method works only with cells which have a certain tendency to stick to glass surfaces. As to the possibility that gymnoplasts can develop again into typical bacilli, I have not performed any special expe- riments to solve this question, but from all I have seen I would conclude that they are not able to do so. For the investigation of this vroblem, your oil chamber technique should prove excellent. Unfortunately, I have not been able at all to continue the studies with that particular anthrax strain, since I left Basel immediately after finishing the second paper and worked for one and a half year at Harvard Medical School with Dr. E. Suter on tubercle bacilli. At the moment, I am en- gaged in tissue culture work and doubt very much that I will be able to return to the gymnoplasts in the near future, With many thanks again for your interest and your suggestions I am yours sincerely W Lladsb P.S. I should like to mention that I am not responsible for the misleading word "transformation" in the title of the first paper. Reprints are being sent to you by ordinary mail.