519 W. 162 St., NYC 32 October 31, 1946 Dear Josh, This will be just a short note, because it is very late. Your letter came as a great surprise to us. As it happens, the apartment would be extremely useful to us. The situation is this. I have a cousin, name of Mary Ann Swarts, who started inat a school of Dietetics in. NYC this fall. The hotel room they gave her was completely inadecuate for studying purposes, because there were 3 in the one room, As a result, she moved in with us a couple of months ago. We only huve 2 rooms of our own, and consecuently we have been very crowded for the last 2 months, and Mary Ann has been living out of a wardrobe trunk. Mary Ann has another friend, and they would both be able and willing to take care of your apartment on the terms you gave us, and would be ready to move in any time. I known that you can trust both of them to take good care of the place, and you will not have to worry about their moving out when you want them to, because they will be finishing their course andleaving New York about that time, anyway. We are very grateful to you for giving us the chance at your apartment, and it would be a great help to us as well as to Mary Ann, by relieving the congestion in our apartment here, if they could have it. We ame glad to hear everything is going s» well with you. I don't think we ever wrote fo thank you for the repring you sent us, but please accept our belated thanks now, I dont know whether you know or not that we age now sharing our apartment with Dot and Paul Marks, but anyway, they send you gux their best regards, and we add our own: best wishes. We hope to hear from you soon on the matter of the apartment, and also on howthings are going with you in general, Yours, gimDot Speers