REHOVOTH «IS P.0.B. 26 »‘PHONE:2 O gFBo, “40 LES sit yon yoo THE WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE RAEL Seiw?. yarn + $9, 301 301,259 :;1STD + 2 xt ‘Sth February, 1956 Prof, Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics University of Wisconsin MADISON 6, Wisc. Dear Dr. Lederberg, I would like to thank you again for the culture of E.coli K~12 serineless mutant, which enabled us to establish unequivocally the appearance of serine upon alkaline incubation of iodinated polytyrosine, In connection with a study of the digestion of peotides and polymers containing proline, by various micro- organisms, I would be very grateful to you if 7rou would be as kind as to send me a culture of E.coli K-12 prolineless mutant strain 679-183» I am really sorry to trouble you with this request, but I hope that it will again enable us to elucidate some facts of interest, Thanking you in advance, Cordially yours, 4 “ay R i § ar} of Sarah Sarid