AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY 7” e eee ™ THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO DEPARTMENT OF BUNKYO-KU, TOKYO JAPAN December 28, 1953 Prof. J. Lederberg Department of Botany, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison Wisconsin, U. S. A. Dear Prof. Lederberg: ‘Would you allow me to write you this letter though I have not had the honor of meeting you? I am very glad to inform you that "The Institute of Applied Microbiology" which is attached. to Univ. of Tokyo has established and started its activity in August this year. | This institute, of which I am taking the charge of director, includes ten chairs and collected first class professors and researchers in this country, is hoped and regarded by Japanese Government and University men to become the centre of the research in the field of fundamental and applied microbiology in this country. The chair or laboratory of "Microbial genetics" which is responsible for the fundamental _and applied aspects of microbial genetics and variation is included in this institute, and all the staffs, associate profe:sor, fellows anc assistants have already ‘apnointed except professor, Because this particular part of study is rather new in this country, SO we are very deliberate in deciding the leading professor, : | mt ani members of the Institute of Microbiclogy earnestly wish to. receive an ‘eminent visiting professor to our institute, who can make the lecture and guide experiments for this chair for «bout ten months, between 1955-1956. And ve wish him to consult and discuss with us on the principle or future direction of the research which this laboratory of microbial genetics should towards. The expenses of trips and stay here will be paid by the Fulbright Foundation, Of course I strongly wish and would highly a:ypriciate it, if you yourself could come to Japan ana help our institute. But I am afraid that you would be too busy to leave from your laboratory for such a long time, and in, would you kind enough to select a proper researcher for the exchange professor who will fulfill the conditions of which I have explained you? We would be more than gratified if you could send me the letter of consent of you or some one else, not decisive but temporary consent would be satisfactory for us at present, till Jan. 15th in 1954, as such a letter is necessary to get the permission of the Fulbright comittee nere which will be held on Jan. 19th 1°5h, to select the exchange professor among the proposed condidate. such a visiting professor is pressingly destred by all researchers of microbiology in Japan, and it is needless to say that we will make every possible efiorts to obtain the permission of the said committee, but I must ask your generous forgiveness in case if we would not be able to get the permission of the comittee, =P eet to “DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY OF TOKYO BUNKYO-KU, TOKYO JAPAN After receiving your letter of consent we will be glad to enter into. more precise negotiation. institute. I again ask sincerely ‘for your kind help and attention on our new Iam waiting with the greatest anticipation of your kind and prompt reply. IT am P. S. Yours very sincerely Kin-ichiro Sakaguchi Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture . University:of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ka “Tokyo, Tapas hoes A Would you please allow me that. f had the Liberty of sending the same letter to Prot. Beadle, Prof. Demerec and. Prot. mola a De of | United States Public Health Service, New York,