Mareh 23, 1948. Dr. Stanley Peat, ATECHil1s Laboratories, fhe University, Birmingham, England. Dezz Dr. Peat, I have just read your review article "fhe Chemistry of Anhydro Sugars" which appeared in Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry,V.II. Your brief comment on p. 54 concerning the possbble biological r6le was of special interest since I have been working on the genetic control ofithe metabolism of galactose and galactosides in Escherichia coli. So far as I have been able to ascertain, no attempt has ever been made to investigate the biological availability of such deri- vatives. In connection with our.current research program, I am pre- pared to test such derivatives on a variety of metabolic mutants of Escherichia coli. The main problem is to acquire samples of these compounds, in amdtnts not less than 200 mg. each, and preferably at least 1 g. I am writing to enquire whether you have yourself pre- pared any of the glucose er galactose derivatives that would be of interest in this connection, and, if @o, whether you might be willing to transmit such samples to me. In addition to the conpounds which you can best hae yourself that might be involved in the glucose-galac- tose conversion, I would be interested also in the (146) galactosan in ordex to determine whether it can be split by sangxofxkka lactases of any of the several mtant strains. I realize that other workers have published these preparations, but it seemed wisest to enquire first at a single source. Your help would be greatly appreciated.