CABLE ADDRESS ‘‘RESEARCH” IN YOUR REPLY PLEASE QUOTE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA ATOMIC ENERGY PROJECT AIR MAIL CHALK RIVER. ONT. duly 13th, 1950, Dr. Joshua Lederberg, College of Agriculture, Universitv of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wis. Dear Joshua, Enclosed is a manuscript on the peculiar segregation in BE. coli, which I am on the point of submitting to the American Naturalist. Before doing this, however, I should be grateful to have your criticisms. In parfiicular, is there anything in the heterozygote story to render the present somewhat conventional approach unjustified? I have had in mind the matter of gene loss, but have assumed that it occurred after the initial crossing over anc partial segregation which seems to take place in the formation of the heterozvgous strains. If this is so the present story would seem unaffected. Your may, however, have indications of a much less straightforward chromosome behaviour. Rothfels is with us acain this summer and is working on a similar problem. Sincerely, 4, Howard B. Newcombe HBNsbe