CABLE ADDRESS ‘‘ RESEARCH" IN YOUR REPLY PLEASE QUOTE NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA ATOMIC ENERGY PROJECT CHALK RIVER. ONT. January 18th, 1950. Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Dep rtment of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Medison 6, Wisconsin. De*r Joshu2, Many thanks for the det2iled comments which you have made on the manuscript. It will be 211 right for you to retain the copy which you have. I %™ 9%t the moment deb®?ting whether to do any further work or the possible 7llelism of sr and sd or to leAve it. Probably I shall compromise bv doing 23n sr x sd cross in the 2bsence of thitmin in the hope of réduéing the 2mount of p3rent#l growth and thus perh#ps eliminating “ny ss prototrophs which might %rise from parental mutants. The peculiar beh°viour of the parent sd's (p2ge 7) I attribute to their requiring some other substance (or subst2nces) in addition to streptomycin. The problem of "link?-e" between streptomycin response and sug?r ferment?tions is something 2bout which I hope to write to you in 2? month or so when Miss Nyholm's d°ta will be more ne?rly complete. If there is loss within ° chromosome region one could think of it 2s involving: (9) 8 portion or portions of v3ri7ble size 2nd position, or (b) individu?l loci without reference to onetnother. In the case of (a) it should be possible to establish 2 linear sequence on loss data alone. Selection for 7 p%rticular locus (in this case sr) when mking the cross greatly increases the ‘mount of d*t7, 2nd I %m hoping tht some information c2n be obt2ined from this 4ppro4ch. The reprint of your 1949 review ptper h7s just re2ched me 3nd I am extremely gl7d to h7ve it, p?rticularly 2s delivery of the volume in which it is published seems to have been deltyed. Sincergly, HBN:be How2rd Newcombe