September 16, 1949. Dr. Howard B. Newcombe, Atomic Energy Project, Chalk River, Ont., Canada. Tear Howard: Dr. Michael Doudoroff, from the University of California, spent some weeks here on a Guggenheim fellowkhip, and was interested to try some experiments in K-12 recombination. We decided fo test for the dominance of streptomycin-resistance in heterozygous diploids, along the lines that I believe I already discussed with you. We think that you may be interested in the results, of which please feel free to make any use you wish. A W-677 sr stock (W+1177] was produced by plating into nutrient agar with 100 units streptomycin. As you may remember, W-677 is a multiply marked atock: TLP]~ Lacl- Mal,- Xyl- Gal- Ara~ Mtl- V P which I have been using for segregation and croSscver studies. By crossing With W478, a Beit Het stock, a number of heterozygotes were obtained, identified by their segregating Lac* and Lac-. However, all the heterozygotes tested were pure SR, and gave no sensitive segregants. This behavior parallels that of Male, as mentioned in my PNAS paper. SR was therefore tested for linkage to Mal. In this cross, with parental couplings: [Mal~ SR]; [Mal+ sr*] , 30 Malt and 52 Mal- were tested : SR + whigh shows a distinct linkage of Yal+ 8 30 Mal to SR. Male 44 0 In these tests, a less intense linkage of Mal and of SR to Lae was also noted, e.2.: In analysing these fagures, take into Lact Lace account an adjustment of the Mal segregaticc Mal+ 17 ls which is about 20:1 Male:Yal+. In order Yal— 6 23 to collect more material, Mal+ are picked disproperticnately to the frequency with which they appear. Although a linkage or interaction of Mal to Lac of some kind 1s apparent, I have not been able to map it. I have come to the conclusion that there is some mechanism for the elimination of part of the chromosome intwpoduced from the Mal* parent and that this distorts the segregations both in the "normal" protctrophs, and in the persistent diploids. All this does not Pexplain" the genetics of sr, but puts it in the same dilemma as Mal, on which I have been working for some times. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg