ATOMIC CABLE ADDRESS ‘* RESEARCH" IN YOUR REPLY PLEASE QUOTE FILE NO... cece ceccteeee cece neesenerteseeenees NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA ENERGY PROJECT CHALK RIVER. ONT. September 15, 1949. Dr. Joshua Lederberg, University of Wisconsin, College of Agriculture, Madison 6, Wis. Dear Joshua, I am sorry not to have sent the W677/SR mutant but we have not yet got down to producing one. However we have some 58-161/SR strains which I am sending under separate cover, and which mav be of use to you. Tests for the linkage of SR with the various sugar loci other than Lac has just been started and is vielding beautifully anomalous results, of the sort which from your letters I gather you have already run into. The streptomycin story should be complete by Christmas and I would be glad if you cculd have a look at it before the A.A.A.S. Meetings. Incidently would you mind if Dr. Klaus Rothfels, who has been working here during the summer, used your strains for a genetics laboratory exercise in the course which he gives at the University of Toronto? He has the pre-med students particularly in mind. Dr. Rothfels has been working on gamma-induced chromosome breaks in grasshoppers, but spent a couple of very productive weeks with the bacteria before leaving. He is quite a sound person and in any case would not use them for investigational work with- out your approval, Sincerely, ned WA é Howard B. Newcombe HBN:be