CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON .DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS COLD SPRING HARBOR, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. July 17, 1947. Dear Lederberg, a With regard to the experiments on delayed @ffect, I dont think it is possible at this stage to déscriminate between . the possibility that the end point mutants are the result of delayed alteration of the genotype, and that they are the . G@layed phenotypic expression gene mutations produced -earlier. ~ In the untreated material all that can be said with certainty is that there ‘is an excess of mutations associated with the lag and early logarithmic growth phases. These may be the result of a genuine high mutation rate or they mey be the delayed expression of gene changes ocourring in the resting stage. IT am sure that they are not a mere accumulation of gene changes occurring at the normal rate during the growth prior to the resting stage am which ~have failed to express themselves phenotypically, as it roula take twenty generations at least to produce the observed numbers of the excess. . -The experiments done with irradiated’ material are not terribly critical as the results seem to depend oh the design of the experiment. They do however cast doubt on the concept of the end voint mutants as the result of a finite number of changes. In those exreriments which I have done there is a fixed or slightly rising number of delayed mutations occurring as the result of each generation. After a certain number of generations this fixed increment is obscured by the spontaneoud mutations which become more numerous as the ponulation increases. This imposes 4 practical limit on the determination of the end point number, and true end point number may be greater than estimateé cr may de infinite in which case the concept is meaningless. A better description might be "induced mutation ee Livds ws rate per clone per generation” since such a ficure seems to remain pretty constant over the period of growth during which it cen be measured, . ‘ ‘© E would not like to be quoted on induced mutations es ‘the work I have done has not been sufficiently detailed: the work on srontaneous mutations is now pretty conclusive, however, and may be quoted “if ‘your review ccvers that aspeot of the , Subject. It would naturally be better if we. could have a chat about these thing, end I wish very much that you would have a chance to visit us before you leave. i _ & mumber of us have.been wondering. if it.would be possible to induce you to come here for a few days: and. to show us your techniques, aS we ought oe know. whether the induced mutations we arte working with behave the same as pther genes. , This would of course mean inducing “mutants in K-12 and doing recombination studies to make sure that they ere not just sonie € . peculiar surface phenomenon. However, you will probably hear further about this from Mrs. Witkin if she is able to make the necessary arrangements at this end, All best wishes, Sincerely,