CABLE ADDRESS ‘‘RESEARCH” IN YOUR REPLY PLEASE QUOTE FILE NO\..0..., ec ccessserseeneneeeseceseneetens NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA ATOMIG ENERGY PROJECT Biology Brench CHALK RIVER. ONT. July llth, 1949, Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, The University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsine Dear Joshua, Many thanks for your letter. It would be difficult to justify doing a detailed study of duplex prototrophs here as my main concern at the moment is to establish the mumber of loci in- volved in mutations to sr and the various forms of sd ( and from sd to sr, * , and the various intermediates), with a view to interpret- ing some of the irradiation experiments using these characterse However, I shall be only too glad to give you whatever relevant in- formation I come across in my crosses. My previous letter, I think, indicates all of the details of the various crossing techniques tried. The technique which I am now using is to spread washed mixtures of overnight cultures on the surface of minimal agar plus thiamin, incubate three days, pick into minimal medium plus thiamin, grow overnight, and streak a 1:10. dilution on EMS=-Lactose plus thiamin, Parent type contaminants are eliminated by the EMS and the reduced number of colonies in a streak makes it easier to spot mixtures. The first evidence of mixed prototroph colonies was from the 58-161 x W-677 cross. Some of the streaks on EMB-Lac (plus phage Tl) were Lact in the absence of phage and Lac™ in its presence, suggestion a mixture of Lac* v5 and Lac™ vzR. This is of course very easy to spote In the cross Y=40 x Y=53 one would expect fewer Lac* v5 and in fact mixtures containing it are rare. I shall enclose a table indicating the sort of mixture we do get from this cross. You will notice that the frequency of duplex prototroph colonies is somewhat in the vicinity of 5 percent in these experiments although it has been higher in others. Also, incidentally, SR seems to be to the left of MBe Dr. Lederberg -~2- July 11/49. I gather from Dr. Ford, who visited C.S.H. on his way to the Oak Ridge meetings, that the student you mention will be doing somewhat similar linkage studies on SR and SD while there. In view of this, I should be grateful if you could have a look at my own results when I get them and have them in presentable forme Also, I am taking the liberty of sending the manuscript of my Oak Ridge paper which outlines my own interests in this regard. Do not hesitate to let me know if there seems to be excessive duplication of effort as the linkage studies are of use to me primarily in the interpretation of old experiments and in the planning of new ones, rather than being an end in themselves, Also, I am anxious not to tread on anyone's toese With regard to the nuclear segregation hypothesis my main reservation is that we don't know whether there is consistently more than one nucleus in the resting bacterium, and Robinow suggests that when the mucleus first becomes stainable after renewed growth only one is visible. Iagree that the B/1 zero=points are probably artifacts, and have found the number of them greatly reduced when large excesses of phage are used. Incidentally zero-point mutations to B/sr are rare, (see table 2 of Oak Ridge paper), which suggests that the concentra- tion of streptomycin which I have used inhibits almost all cell division. For this reason I think it unlikely that delayed action of the streptomycin could be responsible for the nearly equal estimates spontaneous rate obtained using the two Luria and Delbruck formulas. However, it would take much more work than I have done to be certain on this point, Thank you again for the very detailed information in a / AR / f your letter. Howard B,. Newcombe ABNsar