CABLE ADDRESS ‘‘RESEARCH” IN YOUR REPLY PLEASE QUOTE Se 5 FILE NOs. .ctscccsscenesontecusseencsensteenssonns NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA ATOMIG ENERGY PROJECT CHALK RIVER. ONT. March 2nd, 1949, Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison 6, Wisconsin. Dear Joshua, Some time ago you very kindly let me have samples of your strains 58-161, Y-~40, and Y-53, These were left with Mrs. Witkin who thought she might have a chance to use them before I would. Since then I have been working with spontaneous and induced mutation to three distinct categories of streptomycin resistance ® (simple resistance, partial dependence, and full resistance) and would like to determine whether or not a single locus is involved in all three changes. I wonder if you could let me have a further set of “samples of these strains to enable linkage tests to be donee I hope to have a student with me in May who can spend full time on this, and will myself spend at least part time on ite Sincerely, 2 daa / _. Howard B. Newcombe (b7/ Aare HBN:ar