December 15, 1951 Dear Josh, | Te sf story (ugh!) will be ulong shorty - it's still being checked by H&K Mitchell. I's not genetic enuf for Genetics I think so J Bact might be the best place. \inat I want to discuss with you is the ,ossibility of working in your group next year. 1 mentioned in the vrevious letter tnat I did not think I'd stay here another year. ipere are defigite reasons that I don't want to go farther of course. It's just that the interaction of Vandy and Nelly don't work out: (1) It is the expressed volicy of VU (from the highest source, not devartmental) that VU should strive to be a shining example of the liberal arts college and not emulate MIT, CalTech, Columbia, etc., go-culled, and I quote: "technological und professional universities...with weak undeggruduate colleges..." Ha! 1 haven't seen an undergrad here tne OME & CalTech undergrad's books. With this in mind you see thut it would be difficult to establish any*sort of physical set-up for experimental work in microorganismal genetics. Classical biology - taxonomy - and erology are Ok. Of course 1 could get outside funds - there is a, parently little in the U regardless of the campaign promises, (2) Tye utrnosphere is hardly stimulating. Of course there are some good men here. H. ¢. Bold is an interesting chap (incidentally lioewus sent his strains und they are alive!) and turns out research, taxononic.e Wolf the fungologist you know - he's doing some research - inoculates minimal medium ,lus amino ccids and vit-arnins with isolated syores to detect biochem mutants (no UV, ete.) - so tar he hasn't gotten any. Iida kmcVegigh you know. aaother gal is an ecologist. -+here is a vert morph and embryol who does no work that i can see and another new man ~ a chigger taxonomist. Yeacon, the head, is u pleasant and interesting fellow but doesn't work either. Only two of the grad students know what's going on. The faculty spends most of its time discussing courses, students' grades, and every so often Delbruck (in the form of an Orwellian haute session). (¢) I am the physiologist. However the ex-physiologist mey come back. No one snows. Jhat means that I may stay .no teach bacteriology to engineers nd nurses, tknough said. However i've been sufficiently politic enough not to iet my cpinions show 1 get along with everybody. at the present I am doing a little bit of research - to the limits ot time and material equicments : (a) If bacterial cells fuse in syngamy the rrsultant zygote might (just might) be phage sensitive. Therefore, by crossing Kl2e/2 X Klg/4 and adding marked T2 end T4 to get multiple infection we would have the -ossibility of recombination of phage occurring within recombining bacteria. why? Phage recoubineuts, if recovered, would therefore indicate the probable fusion of the bucterial cells. There are technical difficulties - I know. (b) Tpe time of synapsis of the bacterial chromosomes might be pinned down by UV mixtures of syngaiing cells. The UV will play havoc with cross over frequencies, if we may extrupolate from Drosophilae I still huven't given up the idea of lookinz for u cateluseless or rather, c:teluseintermediate (with a screwed cutalese molecule, enzynatically speaking) ki. lysodeixticus (catalase being crystallizuble and 25 of the dry weight of the cell). ‘*he only trouble is the screenines mediun - some at empts have filed but i have other ideas. Have you tried to cross diploids? Lastly several s- types when intercrossed throw sf progeny in part. i hope to find the sf differentictédg from the zygote by the use of TPT under 4 decent iicroscope. Byt IT agree with you - the cytolcsical dervonstration is nice but not necessary. What heppened to those slides of heterozygotes witn 4 Robinow bodies? I have one other iron in the fire. The Air Force hus an operations research croup and they wish me to upply for « »osition as an Intellisence Specialist (that's sticking their necks out}. The pay is tremendous but (a) I don't know what they want ne to do sn? they won't tellrme either because it's ail clessified or else they don't know, and (b) there is the none too considerable zrobiem of one’, conscience as VeayonS Maker. reseullehs from Val Tech is siim. leg xyeb writes nothine cbcut her research except that my mitaunt hunt method is too much work. Tere is no news from the rest. I may call atwood when I drive east for an interview with the sir force. The Papers book is u murvelous idea. set'. csopeated every 5 yearsSe sincerely, HUA fou have been inentified by two of my genetics cluss as being "a German geneticist" and a third thinks you are a German working with eugenics. Of course this is the smue group that think hiuller rormulauted tae chromosimel theory cf heredity and that Trofim Lysenko worked out the genetics of Jeurosporae