SLO VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY NASHVILLE 4, TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY October 18, 1951 Dear Josh, #8 you see by the letterhead I am now at Vandy. The sf story is finished and I'll ship you a copy as soon 4s Mitchell gets thrut with it since I would appreciate your cpinion. I never got any farther with the biochem an:lysis. Though I did perform « lot of crosses I can', figure «ny consistent linkage relutionships und I have no reversed auxotrophs so that leaves out Bailey's methods. The s/ sm Vel Xyl- group of 1177 goes together in crosses of W117? X various suxotrophs so that there is probably some selection for this group. I would like to test 58-161 for sf and use it for setting up crosses to obtain data to which Bailey's methods are auplicable (I can't get sf to walk around between auxotrophs easily - it doesn't mutate one way or the other, there are probably two loci anyway, and the only possible ' reversed ayxotrophs I have are yeversed with respect to loci so far ; untreated 4 la Bailey - phage resistance T6 and streptomycin). If you could send me 58-161 and the Lac-V1R derivative of it I woulda appreciate it, if there is a Y9 Lac-V1S, (Y53%) I could also use it - I take it that mutation to Tl resistance is of only two types, to Ti alone and to Tl and 5 simultaneously and that the locus is the same? Unfortunately I foresee little research here - the teaching is fairly heavy, genetics, general physiology, and elementary zoo and there is no equipment or funds. However it was this, starve, work for Northamerican, or industry (which would have paid the same as here but without 2 months off). I'm probably here for only 1 year anyway and will leave this swumer to get some research done. However I do want to see if Bailey's formulation applies to sf. Ryan should be back by now. the Columbia group is somewhut scattered. Norman's paper in Exo Cell Res looks quite interesting. Peg Lieb dropped in on Atwood und myself - she want's some of my stocks for erossing but UalTech has a full copy of them enyway. Cry Ubon Did I ever send you reprints of the kinetics stuff for your group? You're on tie 100 list but your -eople aren't. If you have any copies of the heterozygote segregation and sm dominance papers and the Seience note could I have one.