October 22, 1949. Dre Ae Pe Krueger, Dept. Bactoriolory, University of Oalifornia, Berkeley, Calif. Dear Dr. Kruegor: By this time you should have receivod my prospectus for a coures in bacterial gonetics. I trust that it fulfilled your requirenenta. I am writing now to tell that Dr. Beadle at the Oalifornia Institute of Technology has written me suggesting that an advanced lecturo and demonstration course on microbial geneties, presumably along the lines of the Oold Spring Harbor Phare Course, be organized at Caltech, with my participation. Because I would bo unable to accept this offer for next summer if I camo to Berkcley, I would appreclate very much anything thot could be done to oxpadite our arrangements, so that I could give Beadle a defindte anower. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg,