October 14, 1949. Dr. Albert °. Krueger, Department of Bacteriology, University of California, Berkeley 4, California. Dear Dr. Krueger: I have your letter of the 7th concerning the possibility of ny visiting your de sartment next summer to give a course in microbial genetics. If mtually satisfactory arrangements can be worked out, Tf vould be veryihappy to take advantage of this opportunity to visit the Pacific Coast, where so meh important work is being done in my field of interest. urs. Lederberg and I would very much prefer to be in Berkeley for the second suaner session, august 1 - September 10. The Wisconsin academic year begins and ends rather late, and it would be rather a tight squeeze to make it to California by June 20. Enclosed please find two copies of a tentative course outline. The material may seem a little advanced, but I am presently teaching a course at this level to senior undergraduates and early graduate students majoring in bacteriology, and appears to be going over reason- ably well. Looking forward to the pleasure of teaching in your department, Sincerely, Joshua Lederberg.