Laboratory, USNH, . St. Albens, L.I. 1 Feb. 1944. ' My dear Dr. Keller: This is to let you know of some good (7) news that hae just befallen me. BuPers has honored my request for trensfer beck to Columbia end I have just received my orders to report there for Term III. So St. Albans, if/A\/, hes been a not unpleasant vacation in all. Speaking to Mr. Van Dyke over the phone I got the impression that action of a favorable sort had been taken by the Director of Qualifying Certificates. Is this the case to your knowledge.It would be rather emusing if this were the case, for probably the main reeson thet I em being trensferred beck is the doubt and confusion over my English requirements which I mentioned in my request, Incidéntelly this is ebout the fastest work thet I have seen the Navy Dept. (Washington) do. I put my signature to thet transfer request on ebout the 2lst January. From there it had to go the the Medioal Officer in Command here at the hospital, and then to the Bureau of Naval Personnel, Training Divison, V-12 Dept. It must have shuttled back and forth in the Bu Med & Surg (BuMandS) for some time thereafter, But anyhow it wes only ten days before these ordera ceme through. Hoping to see you soon, Joshua. P.8. The idea of going back to ell those books: 535 miles of bookshelf, even, does terrify me 2 little bit after the morelly essy life here. I've just begun to appreciate what a grind school is. e PPS. : Regards to everyone.